The goal of Gun Facts is to provide a quick reference
guide for composing arguments for debates, letters
to editors, email to your representatives, and statements
to the media.
Copyright information- This document is the copyrighted
property of Guy Smith, Alameda, California. All
rights are reserved unless noted below. The PDF
version of this document may be freely distributed
by any and all parties, providing that the document
is not altered and that the source is always cited.
"Reasonable use" laws apply, which basically
means you can use any small section of the work
without my prior consent.
You are also allowed to print this document for
your personal reference and/or for distribution
without fee (i.e., you cant charge money for
copies of any version of Gun Facts in either electronic
or paper formats). This means if you want to print
copies for the media or your elected officials,
you are free to do so. Any distribution to anyone
else in any format must include the entire work.
Now, get the rest - GunFacts4-0-Screen.pdf - ( NOTE - now, a more recent version - GunFacts5-0-screen.pdf and now even better, Dec 2009 - GunFacts 5.1 pdf) NEW 2012 yet another update, bigger and better - gun-facts-v6.0-screen.pdf. |